Detalii evaluare #35155965

Rezumat problemă

Pietrele preţioase au fascinat omenirea încă din timpuri străvechi iar cele mai renumite dintre ele, cristalele, au devenit atât simbolul durităţii cât şi al eternităţii. În urma unui studiu ştiinţific, pe un eşantion de formă dreptunghiulară se pot observa diferite tipuri de molecule, dispuse într-o geometrie perfectă, pe M rânduri a câte N molecule fiecare, aliniate una lângă alta. O formaţiune cristalizabilă este alcătuită din 3 molecule de acelaşi tip, învecinate două câte două, având una dintre cele patru forme din imaginea alăturată (fig.1).

Fiecare formaţiune este înconjurată de jur-împrejur, ca în fig.2, de un înveliş special format şi el din molecule identice, de alt tip decât cele din formaţiunea cristalizabilă pe care o înconjoară şi o izolează de restul formaţiunilor moleculare. În acest fel, fiecare moleculă din formaţiunea cristalizabilă se învecinează la Nord, Sud, Est şi Vest cu o moleculă din aceeaşi formaţiune cristalizabilă sau cu o moleculă din învelişul special.

Fiecare formaţiune cristalizabilă se bombardează cu raze X şi în acest fel are loc cristalizarea, proces prin care învelişul special se extinde peste formaţiunea cristalizabilă pe care o înconjoară, formând o singură structură din care se va dezvolta cristalul.


  1. Determinaţi numărul formaţiunilor cristalizabile ce pot fi identificate pe eşantionul analizat.
  2. Afişaţi eşantionul rezultat după cristalizare.


Problema Cristale Operații I/O
Limita timp 0.5 secunde Limita memorie Total: 1 MB / Stivă 1 MB
Id soluție #35155965 Utilizator David Chirila (Sandalanda)
Fișier cristale.cpp Dimensiune 7.10 KB
Data încărcării 28 Februarie 2022, 09:55 Scor / rezultat 100 puncte


Mesaj compilare

cristale.cpp: In function 'int main()':
cristale.cpp:38:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:38:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:40:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:40:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:42:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:42:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:47:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:47:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:49:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:49:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:51:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:51:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:53:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:53:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:55:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:55:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:57:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:57:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:59:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:59:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:74:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:74:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:76:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:76:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:78:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:78:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:83:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:83:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:85:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:85:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:87:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:87:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:89:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:89:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:91:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:91:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:93:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:93:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:95:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:95:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:109:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:109:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:111:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:111:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:113:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:113:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:118:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:118:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:120:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:120:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:122:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:122:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:124:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:124:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:126:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:126:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:128:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:128:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:130:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:130:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:144:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:144:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:146:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:146:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:148:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:148:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:153:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:153:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:155:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:155:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:157:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:157:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:159:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:159:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:161:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:161:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:163:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:163:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:165:43: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;

cristale.cpp:165:54: warning: comparisons like 'X<=Y<=Z' do not have their mathematical meaning [-Wparentheses]
                         if(v[l][c]==a && 1<=l<=n && 1<=c<=m)ok++;


Rezultat evaluare

Test Timp Mesaj evaluare Scor posibil Scor obținut
0 0 secunde OK. 2 2
1 0 secunde OK. 2 2
2 0 secunde OK. 2 2
3 0 secunde OK. 2 2
4 0.012 secunde OK. 2 2
5 0 secunde OK. 2 2
6 0 secunde OK. 2 2
7 0.016 secunde OK. 2 2
8 0.004 secunde OK. 2 2
9 0.012 secunde OK. 2 2
10 0 secunde OK. 5 5
11 0 secunde OK. 5 5
12 0 secunde OK. 5 5
13 0 secunde OK. 5 5
14 0.02 secunde OK. 5 5
15 0 secunde OK. 5 5
16 0 secunde OK. 5 5
17 0.032 secunde OK. 5 5
18 0.008 secunde OK. 5 5
19 0.024 secunde OK. 5 5
20 0.04 secunde OK. 2 2
21 0.08 secunde OK. 5 5
22 0.068 secunde OK. 2 2
23 0.14 secunde OK. 5 5
24 0.076 secunde OK. 2 2
25 0.148 secunde OK. 5 5
26 0.056 secunde OK. 2 2
27 0.116 secunde OK. 5 5
28 0.02 secunde OK. 2 2
Punctaj total 100

Cum funcționează evaluarea? permite evaluarea a două tipuri de probleme:

  • probleme la care rezolvarea presupune scrierea unui program complet
  • probleme la care rezolvarea presupune scrierea unei secvențe de program - câteva instrucțiuni, o listă de declarații, una sau mai multe funcții, etc.

Problema Cristale face parte din prima categorie. Soluția propusă de tine va fi evaluată astfel:

  • Programul sursă este compilat folosind compilatorul corespunzător. Dacă în urma compilării se obțin erori sau avertismente, acestea sunt afișate în această pagină.
  • Dacă programul a fost compilat, executabilul obținut va fi rulat, furnizându-i-se unul sau mai multe seturi de date de intrare, în concordanță cu restricțiile specifice problemei. Pentru fiecare set de date se obține un anumit punctaj, în raport cu corectitudinea soluției tale.

Suma punctajelor acordate pe testele utilizate pentru verificare este 100. Astfel, soluția ta poate obține cel mult 100 de puncte, caz în care se poate considera corectă.